The Purpose of Live Forum TV
Creating a democracy is hazardous
Elections polarise politicians and the public
- They stir anger and complaints
- Election losers undermine the winners
- Extremists add violence
- Party politics and religions add to disputes and tensions
Copying old democracies is not a solution
Elections always provoke divisions and polarity
- Party politics are competitive and confrontational
- Most democracies create excessive debts
- People dislike and distrust the system
A safe alternative
People need an alternative to protests and violence
Life After Democracy is a book for everyone
- It is short and easy to read
- It describes a new alternative – a safe solution
- It offers an immediate course of action
Life after democracy gives the public a constructive role
Centred on televised public debates (Live Forum TV)
- Starts quickly without elections
- TV debates address practical issues
- Speakers are normal men and women, not politicians
- Experts add practical information
Debates create a new focus for public attention
The focus on practical issues means that political parties and religions have less influence
- Fewer power struggles between parties
- Less danger of politicians being ‘bought’ or bribed
Viewers vote on issues that affect their lives
TV viewers vote by phone or internet
- to show they ‘like’ a speaker or statement
- to choose between policy options
Voting always attracts TV audiences
The TV format stops aggressive or violent conduct
Speakers are guided away from anger and insults
- The guidance is powerful and effective
- Viewers learn why aggression does not work
Public opinion becomes well-informed and measurable
Better information produces more rational public opinion
- A government is able to respond to rational opinion
- Responding is safer than risking protests or civil war
- Viewers learn that public desires are not the only consideration
- Governments must consider costs, treaties etc as well
Representation of the people
Speakers are selected from different sectors of society
- Viewers enjoy hearing people from normal backgrounds
- Speakers with fewest ‘like’ votes are replaced
- Replacements are chosen to maintain a cross-section of society
This is a new form of democracy
No voting for political or religious parties
- The focus is on individuals and issues
- Speakers who are ‘liked’ remain involved
- Political parties and religion become less important
- The format can be adjusted in the future -but there may be no need to change
How does it start?
The first Forum debate is recorded by a local TV broadcaster
assisted by the Live Forum Foundation in Switzerland
- Government leaders see that it works safely
- The Foundation publishes Life After Democracy
The book explains why debate must be constructive
Anger and insults are used by extremists to trigger violence
which can be difficult or impossible to stop
- Nelson Mandela’s model avoids violence and revenge
- National stability and security are preserved
The Foundation personnel have proven expertise
- Safe management of sensitive political situations
- Designing and directing successful reality TV
- Training facilitators and speakers for TV debates
Immediate impact
The first debates show that the Forum is better and safer
than traditional democracy
- The debate is broadcast
- The government shows respect for public opinion
- Participation in government has begun